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Alkira’s mission is to make networking as simple, easy to use, and highly flexible as other areas of technology.

For too long, the network has relied on disparate silos, opaque proprietary services to learn, and the burdens of hardware, software, and agents to manage.

One aspect of managing the cloud network lives in one place, another aspect in yet another proprietary platform. Soon, the sprawl of managing the “simplified” cloud world is just as complex and burdensome as the traditional hardware and software based solutions the cloud was supposed to replace.

Alkira Cloud Networking as a Service (NaaS) delivers a new way to handle cloud networking, one that brings everything together in one holistic architecture that’s fast, flexible, and secure.

One key area where we’ve been working hard to expand capabilities is in troubleshooting, diagnostics, and observability.

Alkira provides a full console of cloud networking diagnostic and troubleshooting tools built-in natively to our solution, with more being added regularly based directly on customer feedback.

Having these tools built into the Alkira solution enables our customers to seamlessly and quickly diagnose cloud networking and multi-cloud networking performance, all from a single pane of glass.

A full suite of cloud networking troubleshooting tools at your fingertips

When something goes wrong with accessing an application or resource, quick troubleshooting is essential. Alkira enables you to rapidly test cloud networking conditions to see if network issues are the culprit, or if the problem lies elsewhere.

Cisco Secure Firewall Threat Defense Virtual + Alkira Solution Overview

Alkira’s engineering team has added the following tools to the Alkira platform to make troubleshooting as quick and easy as a click.

  • Health Check – Diagnose the health of the cloud networking connector and view debug logs
  • Ping – Good ol’ ping. Measure latency between cloud networking nodes
  • Trace Route – Another tried and true classic, trance the route from an Alkira Cloud Exchange Point (CXP) to a cloud networking connector or multi-cloud node
  • Packet Capture – Capture IP packets and even export to use in tools like WireShark for deeper diagnostics
  • Flow Capture – Visualize cloud networking and multi-cloud networking traffic
  • Active NAT Translations – See IPs being translated on your cloud network
  • Policy Inspector – Check the state of policies across your cloud network

In addition to these tools, Alkira provides a dashboard with visibility and monitoring capabilities for cloud networking health, cloud networking traffic flows, and routes.

Why include these diagnostic tools in a cloud connectivity architecture? After all, most vendors draw a firm line of demarcation between their solution and the customer’s responsibility to “figure it out.” Here’s the thing though- at Alkira, we’re truly dedicated to ensuring our customers’ success, both in terms of using the Alkira solution but also their overall IT transformation experience.

Alkira engineers have many years of experience working in all facets of the networking industry, and they know how important it is to get information fast and easily in the event of an application failure or connectivity issue.

Whether it’s troubleshooting the most basic of cloud networking connectivity, visualizing the routes across the cloud backbone that supports mission-critical application traffic, or quickly capturing flows to analyze further, Alkira is pleased to provide these functionalities and more to customers so that they may better understand, manage, and scale their cloud networking operations. Pair the data from Alkira with popular tools such as WireShark or Alkira technology partners like Kentik to gain even further insight into cloud networking.

The results speak for themselves. In addition to dramatically cutting deployment times from months to minutes, Alkira customers report an entirely new paradigm for managing their entire cloud networking infrastructure.

In fact, the most common trend we see among Alkira customers is a rapid expansion of services once Alkira is adopted – more applications, more sites, more clouds – a true embrace of multi-cloud networking as a service to increase agility across the entire business.

And once the core of connectivity is modernized, Alkira customers are leveraging their new cloud networking architecture, where no new cloud native tools or routing is needed, to take advantage of advanced designs such as multiple regions, advanced network segmentation, multi-cloud deployments, and Extranet as a Service .

Cloud networking diagnostics in a click. It’s just another way in which Alkira is helping to modernize cloud networking.

See how Alkira can transform networking for your company firsthand. Set up a demo today  and begin to make multi-cloud networking simple with Alkira.